Timber Frames
Traditional Handcrafted Timber Framing -
We like to break up a timber frame project into tree parts - design, timbers and joinery.
Design - We prefer to get involved early in the design process to help with details and options that would make the project go smoother or be more cost effective. It is also very enjoyable for us to work with other creative people and see what can come out of a collaborative effort. I use Sketchup CAD program for 3D modeling and 2D shop drawings
Timbers - We learned early on that you can not just go down to the lumber yard and order what you need to build a quality timber frame. So by sourcing big Dug fir logs and sorting & saw milling in house we can keep up with production and any changes that may come up.
Joinery - Our layout and joinery is all done by human power. First joints are cut with the help of some rather large circular saws and a morticing machine to a slightly rough state, then fine tuned with chisels and slicks to the perfect fit. If arched and curved members a prominent feature of the frame we have a Large hand held bandsaw to expedite that process. Then after the joinery is cut , if not just rough sawn, we add the hand hewn texture with scrub plane, adze or broad ax pretty much the way they have for hundreds of years.